• To become a Website (Online Faith Community) that is committed to reminding people of their eternal value by pointing them to God, through the Lord Jesus, in the effectual and transforming power of the Holy Spirit
• To see God high and lifted up through cognitive awareness, spiritual insight, and revitalized worship and service by His transformed and worshipping people, who seek intentionally to live out the liturgy of worship in the world
• To see how, together, we can become equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to effectively and faithfully participate in God’s redemptive and liberating acts as we live in hope of eternity
• To create a channel or medium for communicating hope in Christ to fallen and despaired humanity
• To reach people for God by spreading Scriptural holiness, changing lives, healing relationships, and transforming people’s understanding of their existence with eternity always in mind
• To help people personally know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by the examples of our own Christian living and witness
• To elevate awareness and help people understand more clearly the process of spiritual transformation and come to grips with what will become of all the things we do as Christians and people of faith
• To help people see how God places us in time as He, by the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, progressively and accumulatively transforms and prepares us for eternity
Dr. Walker-Walker has identified his purpose in life as that of ministering to wounded and broken people and encouraging and empowering them to encounter the God of faith. His goal in life is to help people discover their purpose by directing them to Christ so that they might find meaning and hope in living out the divine life. He is committed to advancing the cause of righteousness, touching human lives and transforming the human existential conditions with love, kindness, compassion, and hope. As a reservoir of hope, and despite the existence and extent of human suffering and uncertainty in the world, he has identified his task as that of ministering to broken humanity through his own life experience and resources, scripturally sound information, and spiritual directions that empower people to find hope and meaning for their lives with eternity always in mind. His standard for human escape from life’s ills is a faith filled relationship with God who is “faithful and will not allow the temptations and nuances of life to be more than we can stand, but will show us a way out so that we can endure”(1 Corinthians 10:13). Dr. Walker-Walker believes that as the mission of Christ was to bring people to God, our task must be to lead people to Christ so that He, in the power of the Holy Spirit, may lift them up to God, the source of human life, hope, and dignity. He thinks that people need to know that God is on their side.
His joy in ministry comes from:
• Seeing God high and lifted up through revitalized and passionate worship
• Working with people who are led by the Holy Spirit to make disciples for Christ
• Empowering people to become living witnesses in the world to the praise and glory of God
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